Tone’s Big Drop

Illustrated by Musonda Kabwe and Robyn Daly and written by Edna Gicovi
Available at and republished under a CC-BY 4.0 license


Tone’s Big Drop

Read by Travis Hellstrom

Tone the raindrop is wondering what’s way down there on the ground. She and her friend Nyunyu go on a journey to find out.

One hot day, little Tone sits with the other cloud droplets and looks down from the sky. Everything looks so interesting from way up here in the clouds.

The trees look like little soft green balls. The rivers look like silver ribbons. The mountain tops look like ice cream scoops. The buildings look like little grey boxes.

“What else is down there?” Tone asks her friend Nyunyu.
“My daddy says there are people and animals and trees and cars,” says Nyunyu.
“Wow! So much to see!” says Tone.

As the day carries on, their friend Ms. Sun rises higher and higher in the sky until Tone and Nyunyu and the other droplets cannot see her anymore.

Mr. Wind comes along whistling a sweet, sweet tune.
His whistles blow Tone and Nyunyu and their droplet friends off their cloud.
“Brr!” says Tone. It’s getting very cold.

Mr Wind keeps whistling and Tone and Nyunyu and the other droplets fall onto another cloud.
They bounce off the cloud and then fall far, far towards the earth.

“Look at me fall, Nyunyu. I’m going faster than you!” says Tone and she races with Nyunyu to see who will be the fastest.
They fall past clouds and birds and very tall buildings.

Down, down, down they go. Faster and faster.
“Look at that, Tone. What is it?” says Nyunyu.
“Hmm, I see red and orange, yellow and green, blue and purple,” says Tone.

“It looks like a big ball!” says Nyunyu.

“It looks like a rainbow!” says Tone.

Down, down, down they fall.

They slide down the big, bouncy, colourful thing.
“It’s an umbrella!” shout Tone and Nyunyu.


Tone's Big Drop

Tone’s Big Drop


  • journey: a long trip from one place to another
  • droplets: a small drop (of water)
  • interesting: something is special, exciting or unusual
  • ribbons: narrow strip or band of colorful material
  • scoop: like a ball lifted out with a spoon like a bowl
  • tune: music
  • whistles: make shrill high sounds
  • bounce: spring back or up after hitting something
  • rainbow: curved band of different colors that appears in the sky when the sun shines through rain
  • slide down: move down easily over a surface
  • umbrella: screen held above your head for rain

Ref: Google Dictionary, Oxford Learners Dictionaries,, MacMillan Dictionary, Word Hippo

  • journey: аялал - нэг газраас нөгөө газар хүртэлх урт аялал
  • droplets: дусал - бага дусал (ус)
  • interesting: сонирхолтой - ямар нэг зүйл онцгой, сонирхолтой эсвэл ер бусын байдаг
  • ribbons: тууз - нарийн тууз эсвэл өнгөлөг материаллаг хамтлаг
  • scoops: Скоопууд - бөмбөг шиг аяга шиг өргөсөн бөмбөг шиг
  • tune: таарах - хөгжим
  • whistles: шүгэл - өндөр дуу чимээ гаргах
  • bounce: ямар нэг зүйлийг цохих дараа хаврын буцаж эсвэл дээш
  • rainbow: Солонго - наранд бороо орох үед тэнгэрт гарч ирдэг янз бүрийн өнгийн муруй хамтлагууд
  • slide down: доош гулсуулна - гадаргуу дээр хялбархан доош хөдөлнө
  • umbrella: дээвэр - дэлгэц бороо ороход толгойн дээр байрласан


  • journey: саяхат - бір жерден басқа жерге ұзақ сапар
  • droplets: тамшылар - шағын тамшы (судан)
  • interesting: қызықты - ерекше, қызықты немесе ерекше нәрсе
  • ribbons: таспалар - тар жолақ немесе түрлі-түсті материал
  • scoops: кастрюль - шар тәрізді қасықпен көтерілген шар тәрізді
  • tune: әуен - музыка
  • whistles: ысқырықтар - жоғары дыбыстарды жасайды
  • bounce: соққы - бір нәрсе соққаннан кейін көктемде немесе артында
  • rainbow: күн сәулесі жаңбырлы болған кезде аспанға түсетін әртүрлі түстердің көкбауыр белдемесі
  • slide down: слайд төмен - бет үстіне оңай ауысыңыз
  • umbrella: қолшатыр - жаңбыр үшін басыңыздың үстінде тұрған экран


  • journey: การเดินทาง - การเดินทางไกลจากที่หนึ่งไปยังอีกที่หนึ่ง
  • droplets: หยด - หยดเล็ก ๆ (ของน้ำ)
  • interesting: น่าสนใจ - บางอย่างเป็นพิเศษน่าตื่นเต้นหรือผิดปกติ
  • ribbons: ริบบิ้น - แถบแคบหรือแถบสีสันของวัสดุ
  • scoops: ตัก - เหมือนลูกยกออกด้วยช้อนเหมือนชาม
  • tune: ปรับแต่ง - เพลง
  • whistles: นกหวีด - ทำให้เสียงแหลมสูง
  • bounce: ตีกลับ - กระโดดกลับหรือขึ้นหลังจากกดปุ่มบางอย่าง
  • rainbow: สายรุ้ง - วงโค้งของสีต่างๆที่ปรากฏในท้องฟ้าเมื่อดวงอาทิตย์ส่องผ่านสายฝน
  • slide down: เลื่อนลง - เลื่อนลงได้อย่างง่ายดายเหนือพื้นผิว
  • umbrella: ร่ม - หน้าจอเหนือศีรษะฝน


  • journey: यात्रा: एक ठाउँ बाट अर्को लामो यात्रा
  • droplets: थोपा: एउटा सानो थोपा (पानीको)
  • interesting: चाखलाग्दो: केहि विशेष, रमाईलो वा असामान्य छ
  • ribbons: रिबन: साँघुरो पट्टी वा रंगीन सामग्रीको ब्यान्ड
  • scoops: स्कूप: कचौरा जस्तै चम्चाको साथ बल हटाइएको जस्तो
  • tune: धुन: संगीत
  • whistles: सीटीहरू: उच्च आवाज बनाउनुहोस्
  • bounce: बाउन्स: केही हिर्काएपछि वसन्त पछाडि वा माथि
  • rainbow: इन्द्रेणी: सूर्यमा वर्षाको माध्यमबाट चम्किन्छ जब आकाशमा देखिन्छ विभिन्न कलरहरूको घुमाउरो पट्टी
  • slide down: स्लाइड तल: सजिलै तल सतहमा सार्नुहोस्
  • umbrella: छाता: पर्दा वर्षाको लागि तपाईंको टाउको माथि आयोजित
