Thuli, Special, and the Secret

by Baeletsi Tsatsi, Dali Gaga, Monique Whitaker, and Yihenew Worku
Available at and republished under a CC-BY 4.0 license


Thuli, Special and the Secret

Read by Tori Holder

Thuli has the cookies. Special has her eye on the cookies. What’s their secret?

Thuli stays with her grandmother and their cow, Special, in the village.
Her parents work in the city.

Every morning her grandmother wakes Thuli up early to go to watch the sunrise.
When the sun is up in the sky, Grandmother bathes Thuli. She brushes Thuli’s teeth, washes her face, and brushes her hair.

When Thuli is nice and clean, Grandmother gives Thuli some porridge. Thuli loves the porridge. But she loves the milk more, because it comes from their cow, Special.

The milk is fresh and creamy.

After eating, Thuli and Grandmother sit under the tree, and Grandmother tells Thuli stories.

When the stories are finished, Grandmother gives Thuli some cookies and a glass of milk, fresh and creamy.
Thuli’s parents bring the cookies with them when they visit. Chocolate chip cookies. Thuli’s favorite.

Special always looks at Thuli as she eats her cookies. Thuli wants to share her cookies with Special, but Grandmother gives her only enough for herself.

That day, after listening to the stories, Thuli follows Grandmother into the house, tiptoeing so that Grandmother doesn’t hear.
Thuli sees Grandmother take the cookies out of a cake tin inside the oven.

Thuli runs back outside and tells Special that soon she will share her cookies with her.

Later in the afternoon, Grandmother and Thuli take a nap, then wake up to watch the sunset.

When the sun sets, Thuli sneaks off into the kitchen.

She opens the oven, and takes out cookies for Special.

Special licks Thuli when she gives her the cookies.
Special smiles. Thuli smiles.
“It’s our little secret,” she says.


Thuli, Special, and the Secret

Thuli, Special, and the Secret


  • cake tin: a metal container for a cake
  • set: sun goes down below the horizon
  • porridge: a type of soft, thick white food made by boiling oats in milk or water, eaten hot
  • tiptoe: to walk using the front parts of your feet only, so that other people cannot hear you
  • sneak off: to leave somewhere secretly

Ref: Google Dictionary, Oxford Learners Dictionaries,, MacMillan Dictionary, Word Hippo

  • cake tin: бялуу хийх сав: бялуу хийх металл сав
  • set: жаргах: нар тэнгэрийн хаяа доош бууна
  • porridge: будаа: овъёосыг сүү, усанд хийж буцалгаж, халуунаар иддэг зөөлөн өтгөн цагаан хоол
  • tiptoe: хөлийн үзүүр: бусад хүмүүс таныг сонсохгүйн тулд зөвхөн хөлийнхөө урд хэсгийг ашиглан алхах
  • sneak off: сэмхэн гарах: хаа нэгтээ нууцаар явах


  • cake tin: торт пішіні: тортқа арналған металл ыдыс
  • set: батуы: күн көкжиектен төмен түседі
  • porridge: ботқа: сұлыны сүтке немесе суға қайнатып, ыстықтап жейтін жұмсақ, қою ақ тағам түрі
  • tiptoe: Аяқтың ұшымен: басқа адамдар сізді естімейтіндей етіп, тек алдыңғы аяқпен жүру
  • sneak off: жасырынып кету: бір жерден жасырын кету


  • cake tin: กระป๋องเค้ก: ภาชนะโลหะสำหรับเค้ก
  • set: ตะวันลับขอบฟ้า
  • porridge: ข้าวต้ม : เป็นอาหารเนื้อขาวข้น ๆ ชนิดหนึ่ง ต้มข้าวโอ๊ตในนมหรือน้ำ รับประทานร้อน ๆ
  • tiptoe: เขย่ง: ให้เดินโดยใช้เท้าส่วนหน้าเท่านั้นเพื่อไม่ให้คนอื่นได้ยินคุณ
  • sneak off: แอบหนี : ไปจากที่ไหนสักแห่งอย่างลับๆ


  • cake tin: केक टिन: केकको लागि धातुको कन्टेनर
  • set: सेट: सूर्य क्षितिज तल जान्छ
  • porridge: दलिया: दूध वा पानीमा ओट्स उमालेर बनाइएको एक प्रकारको नरम, बाक्लो सेतो खाना, तातो खाइन्छ
  • tiptoe: टिपो: आफ्नो खुट्टाको अगाडिका भागहरू मात्र प्रयोग गरेर हिड्ने, ताकि अन्य मानिसहरूले तपाईंलाई सुन्न नपरोस्
  • sneak off: गोप्य रूपमा कतै छोड्न
