The Sea

by Ester Levinrad, Julie Smith-Belton, Lauren Nel, and Nicola Rijsdijk
Available at and republished under a CC-BY 4.0 license


The Sea

Read by Amanda Dias

On a very hot day, a child goes to the sea, where she discovers a game she can play with the waves.

On a very hot day, on a holiday day, we go to the beach.
To the sea. We go to the sea, my family and me.

On the edge of the sand is the water.
That’s where my toes touch the sea.

The waves play a game. They say yes, I say no.
They run up to meet me, and I run from the sea.

They say no, I say yes.
I run back to the edge.
I chase the waves home to the sea.

They say yes, I say no. They say no, I say yes.
The sea chases me, and I chase the sea.

There is blue. There is sea spray. In the game, I can’t be still.

A chasing wave brings me a shell.
It leaves it for me on the wet sand.

I find a feather in the dry sand, and I send it on a wave to the sea.

Then the waves say yes, and I say yes too.

I have sea and sand in my toes.

Oh, I love the sea.

[Reading Level 3.7]


  • holiday: a time of freedom from one's usual work or study
  • edge: a line where two surfaces meet
  • wave: a moving edge on the surface of water
  • chase: (verb) run after
  • spray: (noun) water flying in fine drops
  • shell: a hard outer covering of certain animals, such clams, snails, or oysters
  • feather: one of the soft and light parts of a bird that grows from the skin and covers the body

Ref: Google Dictionary, Oxford Learners Dictionaries,, MacMillan Dictionary, Word Hippo

  • holiday: амралтын өдөр: ердийн ажил, хичээлээс ангид байх хугацаа
  • edge: зах: хоёр гадаргуутай уулзах шугам
  • wave: долгион: усны гадаргуу дээр хөдлөх ирмэг
  • chase: хөөх: (үйл үг) дараа нь ажиллана
  • spray: шүрших: (нэр) ус нарийн дуслаар нисдэг
  • shell: бүрхүүл: тодорхой амьтдын, тухайлбал хуц, дун, хясаа
  • feather: өд: арьснаас ургаж, биеийг бүрхсэн шувууны зөөлөн, хөнгөн хэсгүүдийн нэг


  • holiday: мереке: кәдімгі жұмыс немесе оқудан бостандық
  • edge: шеті: екі бет кездесетін сызық
  • wave: толқын: су бетіндегі қозғалмалы жиек
  • chase: (етістік) кейін орындалады
  • spray: спрей: (зат есім) су жұқа тамшыларға құяды
  • shell: қабық: белгілі бір жануарлардың сыртқы жабындары, мысалы, қылшықтар, ұлулар немесе устрицалар
  • feather: қауырсын: теріден өсіп, денесін жабатын құстың жұмсақ және жеңіл бөліктерінің бірі


  • holiday: วันหยุด: เวลาแห่งอิสรภาพจากงานหรือการศึกษาตามปกติ
  • edge: เส้นที่สองพื้นผิวมาบรรจบกัน
  • wave: คลื่น: ขอบที่เคลื่อนไหวบนพื้นผิวของน้ำ
  • chase: (กริยา) วิ่งตามหลัง
  • spray: สเปรย์: (นาม) น้ำที่บินเป็นหยดละเอียด
  • shell: หอย: เปลือกนอกแข็งของสัตว์บางชนิดหอยหอยหรือหอยนางรม
  • feather: ขนนก: หนึ่งในส่วนที่อ่อนและเบาของนกที่เติบโตจากผิวหนังและครอบคลุมร่างกาย


  • holiday: छुट्टी: कसैको सामान्य काम वा अध्ययनबाट स्वतन्त्रताको समय
  • edge: किनारा: एक रेखा जहाँ दुई सतहहरू मिल्दछन्
  • wave: तरंग: पानी को सतह मा एक चलिरहेको धार
  • chase: पीछा: (क्रिया) पछि लाग्ने
  • spray: स्प्रे: (संज्ञा) राम्रो थोपामा उडान पानी
  • shell: शेल: निश्चित जनावरहरूको कडा बाहिरी कभर, यस्तै क्लैम्स, घोंघा, वा कस्तूरा
  • feather: फेदर: छालाबाट नरम र हल्का भागहरू मध्ये एक छ जुन छालाबाट बढ्छ र शरीरलाई ढाक्छ
