The Pumpkin Chase

by Smanga Simelane, Amy-Jane Harkess and Arthur Attwell
Available at and republished under a CC-BY 4.0 license


The Pumpkin Chase

Read by Skylar Gingrich

Oh no, the naughty pumpkin pie thief is running away with Miss Sunflower’s pie! Will you help to catch the crook?

___ ___

Miss Sunflower is crying.
“A thief just stole my pumpkin pie! Now what will I have for dinner?” she sobs.

“Don’t cry Miss Sunflower. We will find your pumpkin pie,” said Officer Zig.
“We will catch that crook!” said Officer Zag.

“Look! There he goes!” said Officer Zig.
“Catch that crook!” said Officer Zag.

“I’m too fast and you’re too slow.
You will never catch the pumpkin pie thief!” cried the crook.

They chased him
...but the crook was too quick.
“I’m too fast and you’re too slow. You will never catch the pumpkin pie thief!”

“I’m too fast and you’re too slow. You will never catch the pumpkin pie thief!”
They chased him down the riverbank but the crook rolled away.

They chased him under the bridge.
“I’m too fast and but the crook swam away. you’re too slow.
You will never catch the pumpkin pie thief!”

They chased him over the fires...
...but the crook jumped too high.
“I’m too fast and you’re too slow. You will never catch the pumpkin pie thief!”

They chased him around the tree.
“I’m too fast and you’re too slow.
But they could not catch the crook.
"You will never catch the pumpkin pie thief!”

Officer Zig and Officer Zag did not give up. They ran and ran and ran until...
They chased him right into a wall!

“Hurray! We caught the crook!” said the cops.

Officer Zig and Officer Zag returned the pumpkin pie to Miss Sunflower.
“Thank you very much,” said Miss Sunflower.
Dinner time!


The Pumpkin Chase

The Pumpkin Chase


  • thief: a person who steals things
  • crook: a person who is not honest
  • chase: to run after someone or something
  • cop: (slang) policeman or policewoman

Ref: Google Dictionary, Oxford Learners Dictionaries,, MacMillan Dictionary, Word Hippo

  • thief: хулгайч: юм хулгайлсан хүн
  • crook: луйварчин: шударга бус хүн
  • chase: хөөх: хэн нэгний эсвэл ямар нэг зүйлийн араас гүйх
  • cop: цагдаа: (харгон хэллэг) цагдаа эсвэл эмэгтэй цагдаа


  • thief: ұры: затты ұрлайтын адам
  • crook: арамза: адал емес адам
  • chase: қуу: біреудің немесе бір нәрсенің соңынан жүгіру
  • cop: полицей: (жаргон) полицей немесе полицей әйел


  • thief: โจร: คนที่ขโมยของ
  • crook: คด: คนไม่ซื่อสัตย์
  • chase: ไล่ตาม : วิ่งตามใครบางคนหรืออะไรบางอย่าง
  • cop: ตำรวจ: (คำสแลง) ตำรวจหรือตำรวจหญิง


  • thief: चोर: सामान चोर्ने व्यक्ति
  • crook: बदमाश: एक व्यक्ति जो इमानदार छैन
  • chase: पीछा: कसैको वा केहि पछि दौडनु
  • cop: पुलिस: (अपशब्द) पुलिस वा पुलिस महिला
