The 3 Doof Doofs

by Stephen Wallace and Claudi Potter
Available at and republished under a CC-BY 4.0 license


The 3 Doof Doofs

Read by Geri Dishman

Have you ever wondered what goes doof-doof-doof in the night? This is a noisy bedtime story for a quiet night’s sleep.

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What is that?!
What is that doof-doof-doof noise?
A cat?
A mouse?
A visitor in the house?

No, it’s something even furrier than a cat,
even cuter than a mouse,
and much tinier than you and me.

It’s the three Doof-Doofs. These sweet creatures have only one
foot each to hop on. And each hop makes
a thumping doof-doof on the floor.

ahhh uhh Here is Solly Doof, the smart one,
who is always thinking looooong and loud.
He uhhs and ahhs and doof-doofs all night long.

He reads daytime stories to the other Doof-Doofs,
because unlike you and me, that is when they sleep.
Thinky, Stinky, Solly Doof prefers reading
over bathing any time.

And here is Sally Doof,
the smallest and sweetest Doof-Doof of the three.
In a little quiet voice she sings
doobee-doobee Doof-Doof songs,
when it gets a bit too quiet in the night.

She likes finding shiny things and cuddles.
Snuggly, huggly Sally Doof who loves to sing.

clink clank clunk Don’t forget Silly Doof, the funniest Doof-Doof
in the house. He is always joking.
Wiggly, giggly Silly Doof will make you laugh
until your tummy hurts.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
He cheers up the other Doof-Doofs
whenever they feel sad.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

He loves to dance on his big silly foot,
to the songs that Sally Doof sings.

So, if at night you ever hear a strange
doof-doof noise again,
remember, it’s just the three Doof-Doofs,
reading, singing and dancing
on their one doof-doof foot.

So sleep well, little one.
Or keep one eye open...

Because maybe, just maybe,
you’ll see three cute little creatures
hopping past on one foot,
going doof-doof-doof.



  • cute: pretty and attractive
  • tiny: very small
  • creature: a living thing, real or imaginary, that can move around
  • unlike: not like
  • shiny: smooth and bright, reflecting the light
  • silly: not serious, having fun
  • cheer up: to make somebody/something sad happier
  • whenever: at any time
  • furry: covered with fur

Ref: Google Dictionary, Oxford Learners Dictionaries,, MacMillan Dictionary, Word Hippo

  • cute: хөөрхөн: хөөрхөн, сэтгэл татам
  • tiny: жижигхэн: маш жижиг
  • creature: амьтан: эргэлдэж чаддаг бодит эсвэл хийсвэр амьд зүйл
  • unlike: ялгаатай: таалагдахгүй
  • shiny: гялалзсан: гөлгөр, тод, гэрлийг тусгадаг
  • silly: тэнэг: ноцтой биш, хөгжилтэй байх
  • cheer up: баярлуулах: хэн нэгнийг/ямар нэг зүйлийг гунигтай болгох
  • whenever: хэзээ ч: ямар ч үед
  • furry: үслэг: үслэг үстэй


  • cute: сүйкімді: әдемі және тартымды
  • tiny: кішкентай: өте кішкентай
  • creature: жаратылыс: қозғала алатын шынайы немесе қиялдағы тірі зат
  • unlike: айырмашылығы: ұнамайды
  • shiny: жылтыр: тегіс және жарқын, жарықты көрсететін
  • silly: ақымақ: байсалды емес, көңіл көтеру
  • cheer up: көңіл көтеру: біреуді/бір нәрсені мұңайту
  • whenever: қашан: кез келген уақытта
  • furry: жүнді: жүнмен жабылған


  • cute: น่ารัก : สวยและมีเสน่ห์
  • tiny: จิ๋ว: เล็กมาก
  • creature: สิ่งมีชีวิต : สิ่งมีชีวิต จริง หรือ จินตภาพ ที่สามารถเคลื่อนที่ไปมาได้
  • unlike: ไม่ชอบ: ไม่ชอบ
  • shiny: เงา : เรียบเนียนสว่างสะท้อนแสง
  • silly: งี่เง่า : ไม่ซีเรียส สนุกสนาน
  • cheer up: ทำให้ใครบางคน/บางสิ่งเศร้าๆ มีความสุขมากขึ้น
  • whenever: เมื่อไหร่: ทุกเวลา
  • furry: ปกคลุมด้วยขน


  • cute: प्यारा: सुन्दर र आकर्षक
  • tiny: सानो: धेरै सानो
  • creature: प्राणी: एक जीवित चीज, वास्तविक वा काल्पनिक, वरिपरि घुम्न सक्छ
  • unlike: मन पर्दैन
  • shiny: चमकदार: चिल्लो र उज्यालो, प्रकाश प्रतिबिम्बित
  • silly: मूर्ख: गम्भीर होइन, रमाइलो गर्दै
  • cheer up: चियर अप: कसैलाई/केही दुःखीलाई खुसी बनाउन
  • whenever: जब: कुनै पनि समयमा
  • furry: फरले ढाकिएको
